Nadcházející workshopy

Payment application dashboard screenshot with transaction table, financial highlights, and main clients on colorful purple background.
Zbývá 15 míst

V Chotejně 1297/11, 102 00 Praha 15-Hostivař
18.3.2023 9:00 - 13:00

Payment application dashboard screenshot with transaction table, financial highlights, and main clients on colorful purple background.
Zbývá 20 míst

V Chotejně 1297/11, 102 00 Praha 15-Hostivař
6.5. - 7.5. 2023

Payment application dashboard screenshot with transaction table, financial highlights, and main clients on colorful purple background.
Zbývá 16 míst

20.5.2023 9:00 - 13:00

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